Terrie Simpson is our Women on Mission director.  Our Ladies meet once monthly in an effort to create projects that will reach out to the lost and needy in our surrounding area.  It is the ladies of the church who have undertaken to support Woodville Caring and Sharing both financially and with goods.  It is the ladies of the church who have elected to support the Women's Pregnancy Center in Jasper with donations of monies collected in baby bottles each year and with handmade baby clothes and blankets. Each year, Calvary's ladies choose several projects for the year that will result in contact within our community where we can share God's love and God's blessings.  We would be blessed to have you join Us!  

Calvary Baptist Church is also hosting the regional WMU meetings that are held monthly.  Regional  WMU consists of WMU groups from other Baptist Churches within Tyler County. Ms. Betty Cauthern is the Regional Director.